Together We Can All Help

There are about 1,750 Saltbush barrier plants along the canals.  Mariposa workers have just finished planting 150 plants to replace dead and/or missing plants.  This is an annual project of the Venice Canals Association. 

The Saltbushes need regular watering to survive and flourish.  The workers initially water the new plants for up to two months with a five-gallon bucket.  We are asking for your help with watering all the saltbushes.

The soil is the problem.  It becomes very dry and water rolls off into the canals. An easy solution! Create a permeable area to catch the water  along the sidewalk by digging a narrow irrigation trench three to four inches wide and a couple of inches deep. The trench will hold the water so it can percolate down (see photos below).

Watering:  Spray water on the sidewalk.  Flow the water evenly and slowly, less than a minute will do, into the trench so it does not run off into the canals. You only need to do this for about three to five days until the soil is moist. Then, once a week, if possible. You will have healthy plants, a clean sidewalk, and conserved water. 

Added help: When new plants are put in fertilizer pellets are added at the bottom. You can help by sprinkling slow release fertilizer two or three times a year in the trench and around the plant. It is available at Home Depot. That takes care of it and the plants thank you. 

Hard Soil
Trenching. Tool available at Home Depot
Captured water from sidewalk
Categories: Environment