Home of the Monarch Butterfly.
Located at 29th Ave. between Pacific Ave. and Strongs Drive

The photos below are of “Monarch Manor,” our Monarch Butterfly Garden.  Grace Godlin and Darryl DuFay began the garden in December 2007.  They worked daily over the next five months, while supporting it with their own funds.  With the assistance from Mark Grant of the Council Office, the Los Angeles Department of Street Services removed the vegetation they cleared. 

The photos below span 2007 to 2016.   Since 2008, the VOC has funded the garden along with members making directed donation to the garden. The Butterfly Garden was part of the Annual Venice Garden Tour in July 2009.   

2012:  To enhance the look and safety of the garden a permanent fence was constructed in October.  The garden was improved with a paver extension of the path.  Also, improved the planting along the sides of the path and installed an informative photo display showing the Monarch’s life cycle, and three photos – chrysalis, caterpillar, and butterfly. We finished an extensive pruning and weeding of the garden.  

2015.  Completing installation of ground cover mesh to prevent weeds and laying down bark over the cover.  Extensive weeding, pruning, and new planting and replacement of fifty milk weed plants, which will take a little time to mature.  Want to acknowledge the help of two high school student volunteers, Favio Monzon (photo) and Juan Hernandez of the STEM Academy at Helen Bernstein High School in East Hollywood. 

Most of the photos are self explanatory; however, the photo that looks like a cotton ball is a seed pod that has opened.  Each seed has a silky filament that carries the seed on the wind.

Categories: Environment