2016 Boat Parade

34th Annual Venice CanalsHoliday Boat Parade The sun was out, well almost.  Sixteen boats had pre-registered and others registered at the event.  Hundreds of residents and friends lined the sidewalks and bridges. In numerous homes neighbors were having parties. It was one of the most musically enriched parades we have Read more…

2015 Boat Parade

34th Annual Venice CanalsHoliday Boat Parade The sun was out and then it wasn’t.  The anticipated rain had not begun.  Still hundreds of residents and friends lined the sidewalks and bridges.  It was one of the most diverse and enjoyable parades we have seen.  The variety, ingenuity, and artistic ability Read more…

2014 Boat Parade

33rd Anual Venice Canals Holiday Boat Parade It was a beautiful day for the parade. Hundreds of residents and friends lined the sidewalks and bridges to cheer for their favorites. As ever, the variety, ingenuity, and artistic ability of the boat builders was outstanding. The venice Canals Association was again Read more…